featuring Nir Jacob Younessi, Ryoya Fudetani and Flora Miranda
Referring to a revolving body in transformation and to the frequency 2349.32 Hz, attributed to the musical note RE, REvolutions 2349 seeks to transmute our sensory perceptions and to allow our imagination to go beyond its anchorage. Three spirals – dance, music, and light – unfold on stage in a hypnotic interplay where space and time are tangible forces at work, and from which a compelling structural framework emanates. An archetype of dance and spiritual traditions, this revolving body, confined in its freedom and free in its confinement, is as archaic as it is contemporary.
Like a cursor inside the field of tension between circle and square, Danielle Allouma’s dancing body negotiates its freedom of movement as a tribute to change and to our longing for emancipation from binary thought patterns.
REvolutions 2349 is the first performance of the series RE by Arco Renz & Danielle Allouma to investigate potentialities of the revolving body today.